Grassroots Partnerships

CEWG is committed to centering folks who have been impacted and harmed by climate change. We believe in a bold, collective fight that connects climate advocates from across the state in their pursuit of environmental and climate justice. Most recently, this dedication to grassroots partnership and input has taken the shape of community conversations in energy communities on the topic of a just transition in Virginia. In 2024 and beyond, CEWG will continue to ground our progress towards equitable climate solutions in community conversation, issue education, and support of local fights for climate equity.

Please contact Lauren Landis ( to learn more about CEWG's grassroots partnerships.

Grasstops Partnerships

CEWG connects with peer organizations, local government, union leaders, and more on a continuous basis to ensure we are plugging mindfully into existing work and supporting community leaders in our common goals. We strive to work smarter, not harder, and proactively pursue strong relationships with organizational and community leaders outside of our coalition. We know that the most inclusive community outreach and the most successful policy solutions come from a big tent of climate and equity advocates.

Please contact Lauren Landis ( to learn more about CEWG's grasstops partnerships.

Policy Solutions

CEWG is eager to see equitable climate policies passed at the local and state level. In 2024, CEWG will be partnering with grassroots and grasstops leaders, incorporating lessons learned from nationwide policy progress, and leaning on our coalition's policy experts and Policy Fellow to draft policy solutions that contribute to decarbonization in Virginia in 2025 and beyond.

Please contact Lauren Landis ( to learn more about CEWG's policy advocacy.